Soo Ying Ren 0341274
Project 1B Design Esquisse - learning Pod
Project 1B deals with the understanding of materiality in relation to use and experience.
Materiality is seen as a setting for communal activities to convey meaning and associations as well as a function of structure and construction. Students will be required to design a Learning Pod, which is intended to showcase architectural form and materiality for a proposed set of activities. The exploration of themes centered around the notion of learning as well as spatial experience of users in this project will relate to the programmatic requirements in Project 1C.
Project 1B Outcome - Botanical Explorers Learning Through Plants
Case Study
Design Intentions
The main focus of the project is to create a "Learning Pod" preferably in this case, to attract children from around the neighborhood to learn more about plants and the culture in the kebun komuniti, and it also look deeper into ergonomics, which I have learned in semester one and following semesters. Designing a small space that functioned for plants and children was challenging, but I think this is a good start for the P1C. The advice after this assignment was to create a more "buildable" structure and to note the internal program (not being so multi-function) which will cause the space to become too busy.
Taylor's Graduate Capabilities