Soo Ying Ren 0341274
Project 1C
[ Farm to Table ]
The project calls for the design of a Neighbourhood Learning Centre within the suburban
neighbourhood. Students are required to provide full design proposals incorporating findings
from site analysis and precedent studies. Students will generate narratives that respond to the
environment and community within the given context and explore the environmental poetics of
building enclosure design solutions that reduce environmental impact utilizing various complex
typologies of spatial organisations and a variety of passive strategies for sustainable design. The
design should contribute to and merge harmoniously with the environment and site and provide
the best of spatial experiences in fostering a sense of community.
Design Concept
Located in USJ 14 Subang Jaya, the [Farm to Table] Community center is integrating hydroponic gardens with communal spaces to enhance community connections.
The residents can engage in different activities such as LEARNING, PLANTING, COOKING, and DINING together, enjoying fresh and pesticide-free produce.
The community center fosters a safe, interactive environment where food quality and community bonding thrive side by side.
Workshop Outcomes
Interim Outcomes
Interim 1
Interim 2
For both interim session, I focused my design being aligned with the main visual axis on the site and being clustered "Block form" design.
On of the main idea while developing the design was green house architecture.
Final Outcomes
From this project, I learned to analyze the site context, neighborhood wants and needs, and integrate the thoughts into individual spaces of the structure, as well as the structural and building components (integrated learning with AAC module)
Besides, I have learned how to integrate agricultural spaces into architecture and design space for "Green" purposes.